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SEAD Activities

  • Category: about
  • Published: Saturday, 22 August 2020 10:40
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 219


Since its inception SEAD has acquired adequate experiences in working with different development partners in development projects. In the course of implementing community development projects, SEAD has collaborated with these partners;

Tabora Advocacy Center for Development (TACEDE) Facilitated the project titled Capacity Building to People with Disabilities on Human Right issues. The project costs was about USD 10,500  - Tsh.21,000,000/=

Tools with a Mission (TWAM) Offered Entrepreneurship Training to people with disabilities. The total cost project budget where UERO 6,959 – Tsh. 22,905,700/=

Geered and geeredschap provided working tools for the establishment of small business to people with disabilitiesThe initiative Costs about UERO 33,640 – Tsh. 77,372,000/=

Action on Disability Development (ADD) Provided fund to SEAD for the project titled Capacity building to groups of people with disabilities on leadership skills. The project budget where about USD 8,500 – Tsh. 17,000,000/=

Jikomboe Integral Development Association (JIDA) Supported SEAD in implementing the project of entrepreneurship for the people with disabilities. This intervention take about USD 11,250 – Tsh 22,500,000/= just to mention a few.

Our services have been in great demand and many of our women members have been urging us to provide education on HIV/AIDS, its prevention and reproductive health and rights.  Thus far disable persons have benefited very little from the ongoing HIV/AIDS prevention, Reproductive Health and Rights campaigns because of their disability even though the incidence of HIV/AIDS among them has decreased from 5.2% in 2019 to 4.8% in June 2020.

People with Disabilities can neither attend far off meetings.  The potential sources of funds include: members’ contributions, individual beneficiaries, and the Local Government Authority and donor agencies.
