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Organization Details

  • Category: about
  • Published: Saturday, 22 August 2020 10:38
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 194

Social and Economic Aid for Disabled (SEAD) has got 5 directors who are currently volunteers and also are People with disabilities and 4 employed staffs who are office accountant, office watchman, Technical director and office secretary. So far Social and Economic Aid for Disabled (SEAD) has got 59 volunteers whereby the number of females is 35 and the number of males is 24. Policy and decision-making is the General Assembly comprised of members whereby they always meet once a year.

The day to day responsibilities will be under the Management which comprised of Managing director, Executive director, Finance director, Programmer director, Technical director and Information director. The management meets every month to discuss some issues about the organization. The location of the office will be in Tabora municipal.

The Board oversees the performance of the organization, it comprises of 5 Directors and other 7 selected members. It meets four times a year. Our office is located in Tabora town, Barewa street at Gongoni ward.
