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Donation Page

  • Category: about
  • Published: Tuesday, 01 September 2020 07:25
  • Written by Super User
  • Hits: 162

General Donetion :- Send direct your donation a through our bank accounts below.

Bank name: CRDB Bank (ltd) Tabora Branch
Bank address: P.o.Box 889,
Tabora. Tanzania East Africa
Account Name: Social and Economic Aid for the DisabledTabora. Tanzania East Africa
Bank account number:  0152383808100


Bank name: Diamond Trust Bank Tanzania Limited
Tabora Branch     
P.o.Box 1330
Account Name: Social and Economic Aid for the Disabled
Bank account number:  7156262000

  • Leave a gift in you will
  • Make a monthly gift by giving programme by setingup pre authorised monthly with draws from your credit card or bank account.

Bank account with draws to authorise monthly donation from your bank account fill out our monthly donation form and send it to us by E-mail.

Tax receipts for monthly donation:- If your makinkg monthly donation through your bank account or credit card your annual receipt will be sent out iin january for the previews tax year.


To donate by mail please send a cheque or money order payable to the Social and Economic Aid for the Disabled to the address below. Please issuer that your name address and Phone number are included with your donation so that we can send you a tax receipt or you can complete the donation form to send in with your gift

Address: P.o.Box 1544, Barewa street
Region:   Tabora town,
Country: Tanzania, East Africa  
Phone No. +255 784 545 519 or +255 713 047 243
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 To donate by Phone use your credit card by calling the number below

  1. +255 784 545 519
  2. +255 713 047 243
  3. +255 683 860 066

 To donate by Mobile Money

Tigo Pesa: 0711856377 Social and Economic Aid for the Disabled
