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In 1999, Tanzania set out Vision 2025, which establishes a strategy to transform Tanzania into middle - income country. Good governance is an integral component of this. The 1999 National Framework for Good Governance (NFGG) detailed policy components of this strategy. Decentralization by Devolution (D by D) became a core strategy for delivery: with the aim of creating bottom-up planning processes and service delivery closer to the service users, district council and ward and village/street councils were given responsibility for shaping Development. The Tanzania Development Vision (2025) also enshrines the importance of good governance, participation, accountability and the rule of law.

Created 2020-09-09
Size 657.5 KB
Downloads 18

Agriculture, including horticulture is a mainstay of development in Tanzania. With an annual growth rate of 4.2%, agriculture contributes to approximately one quarter of the GDP and provides employment to approximately three quarters of all Tanzanian workers. It is also an area where significant achievements can and must be made for Tanzania to continue to provide sufficient food of good quality for its population that is growing by more than one million people per year. Growth of the sector is not a desired luxury but a dire necessity.

Created 2020-09-09
Changed 2020-09-09
Size 595.5 KB
Downloads 21
